Thursday 21 February 2013

Guest blog: Going to an all boys school

My sister, Tai, is still using my blog as an outlet. Enjoy!  

 Reading back the two blogs that I've written on here has made me realise that I come across a bit too serious and a bit of a downer. So I think it's time I remedy that with a post that tells anyone who reads this a bit more about me.

   As the title suggests, I go to an all boys school. Due to the fact that not many people in my school chose to go down the sciences route like me (yay for medicine), I go to the boys school for some lessons and I'm the only girl in my Maths and Chemistry classes there. I spend the majority of my time there, and have been for over a year now. Yupp.

   At first, it was so intimidating and scary. The constant stares were unnerving, being avoided was lonely, and asking for directions to the female toilets sure was awkward! After a while though, the lads got used to me and I made friends who are lovely and still my pals to this day. I love going to the boys school as I'm more challenged there than I am at my own school sometimes, and I think going there has given me more insight on the enigma that is boys and how they function.
So what HAVE I learnt?

1. Boys definitely have more banter than girls. I think they're not as sensitive and don't take things to heart as much, so jokes can freely be made without fear of anyone getting offended or emotional about something.

2. Boys have no respect whatsoever for promiscuous girls. Sure, they love the 'favours' they can receive from such girls but in their eyes, they are just easy.

3. Intelligence makes boys instantly more attractive to me. Boys who are good looking but as dumb as bricks are definitely not cute.

4. I know how to talk to boys better, so I gravitate towards them when I meet new people because I'm now better at relating with them. Well it's that or maybe I'm a slut so I think I'll go with the former.

5. In ways, boys are better than girls. If boys don't like you, they won't do the annoying thing that girls do and pretend to be your friend then talk about you behind your back. They also give you straight yes/no answers instead of saying the ever annoying "I'll let you know" or "I'll see what I'm doing".

   I could keep going but I think those will do for now. I've still got a couple of months left at the boys school before we go our separate ways so will I gain some knowledge of the male mind? Will my budding misogyny grow? I guess time will tell. Well that or whether or not I will be bothered to do a follow up blog to this. Stay tuned.

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